La República de Irlanda (en verde oscuro) y el Ulster, (norte
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Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated each year on March 17th . He was born in either
According to legend, Saint Patrick used a shamrock to explain about God. The shamrock, which looks like clover, has three leaves on each stem. Saint Patrick told the people that the shamrock was like the idea of the Trinity – that in the one God there are three divine beings: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
El día 17 de Marzo se celebra San Patricio, patrón y santo de los irlandeses el cual introdujo el cristianismo en estepaís.
The shamrock is one of
(La hoja de trevol es el símbolo más popular en Irlanda)
The legendary leprechaun is an elf-like creature. In most representations he looks like a small, old man. Leprechauns like to spend their time alone making shoes. They live in the woods and hide from everyone, but maybe this has something to do with their mysterious pots of gold! The leprechauns are said to keep their pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. Some stories say if a leprechaun likes you, he will share his gold. Others stories say you must catch a leprechaun, and then he will take you to his pot of gold.
(Éste es el legendario ´ Leprechaun´, un pequeño duende o elfo que vive y se esconde en los bosques de la verde Irlanda. Éste pequeño ser posee una cazuela de oro con monedas. Se dice que si a este duende le agradas, él compartirá su oro contigo. Otros dicen, que tienes que atraparlo para poder conseguir tu tesoro)
How do Irish celebrate St. Patrick´s Day?
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by Irish people. Celebrations are generally themed around all things green and Irish; both Christians and non-Christians celebrate the secular version of the holiday by wearing green, eating Irish food, drinking Irish drink, and attending parades.
The St. Patrick's Day parade in
(Cristianos y protestantes celebran durante 4 días San Patricio. Las gentes se visten de verde, comen y beben cosas típicas irlandesas. Se realizan desfiles callejeros a los que acude mucha gente; el año pasado participaron 500.000 personas)
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